Features of Indian economy Know complete information

features of Indian economy Know complete information

Dear readers, do you know what the Indian economy is? Today, through this article on features of Indian economy, we will know what the Indian economy is. And what is economics? And what is the economy? How many branches of the economy are there? And what is the economy sector? Today we will know this complete information through this post of features of Indian economy. read this also :- Rani Lakshmi Bai Biography in Hindi

features of Indian economy
features of Indian economy

Economy Economics

Economics is the practical aspect of economics. Which shows the nature and level of progress of the practical activities taking place in the economy of a particular country or region. The context in which the entire economic activities of a country are seen is called economy. Adam Smith is called the Father of Economics.

According to him, economics is the science of money. The book Wealth of Nation written by Adam Smith was recognized as economics. That is why Adam Smith is called the father of economics. Economic activities include production, exchange and distribution, savings and investment. How resources are optimally utilized by society in scarce activities. Economics is studied about it. features of Indian economy

Types of economy

Features of Indian Economy: The economy is divided into many areas of study.

1.Primary sector Primary Sector

The following types of areas are included in the primary sector.

  • Agriculture and related sectors
  • forest and forestry sector
  • fishing area
  • Mining and quarrying sector

In this way, the production of natural resources of the economy has been mentioned in the primary sector.

2.Secondary Sector Secondary Sector

The following types of areas are included in the secondary sector.

Construction:- Any permanent asset or property is constructed such as:- building, house.

Manufacturing:- Where the goods are manufactured. Like:- Cloth, bread, machines and others like electricity, gas and water supply. In this area, the production of manufactured goods of the economy is studied.

3.Tertiary Sector Tertiary Sector Service Area Service Sector

Tertiary sector or service sector provides useful services to the primary and secondary sectors of the economy. Such as:- Transportation, Banking, Insurance, Warehousing, Trade, and Community Services, Smart Communication and other useful services are provided.

4.Quaternary region Quaternary Sector

Intellectual activities are included in the field of economy. For example, the quaternary sector has been included in the field of education, research and research activities. Following are the areas falling in this area.

  • mutual fund manager sector
  • Portfolio Manager Area
  • tax manager statistician field
  • software developer field
  • research field

Adi comes under the quaternary region.

5. Panchak area Quinary Sector

Any high quality services are available in the Panchak area. Like:- All the decision activities related to the economy and all the decisions related to the social and economic sector of the country come under the Panchak area. Like a golden colour job :- PM, CEO, CM, ECT.

Economics economics

Economics is a governance system of social science. Which is the study of distribution, exchange and consumption along with the production of goods.

Branches of Economics Branches Of Economics

Following are the branches of economics:-

Micro Economics Micro Economics

Under microeconomics, the economy has been studied according to individual economic units. Or what is studied is called microeconomics. Small units of economy have been added under this discipline. Units like consumer behaviour theory unit, production behaviour theory unit and price theory unit etc. have been added.

Macro Economics | Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics is the science in which all economic activities have been studied completely. Like national income, fiscal policy and monetary policy etc. have been studied. J.S.Keynes is called the father of modern economics. He wrote a book named General Theory of Employment. In which the Vedic recession of the principles propounded in 1930 is called Teesa recession. That recession was overcome. That is why he is called the father of modern economics.

FAQ :-

What is the meaning of economics?

Economics means the study of money.

What are the three sectors of the economy?

The three sectors of the economy are primary, secondary, tertiary or service sector.

Who is the father of economics?

The father of economics was Adam Smith.

What is the meaning of economy?

Making social arrangements for production, distribution and consumption.

What is the importance of economics?

Importance of Economics: Making people understand the importance of the world around them.

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features of Indian economy

conclusion :-

In this article on features of Indian economy, our team has given complete information about economy and economics through this article. We hope that you liked this article on features of Indian economy. Visit us for more such information.

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